# (str) Title of your application title = MyApp # (str) Package name package.name = myapp # (str) Package domain (should be unique) package.domain = org.example # (str) Source code for your main application file (main.py by default) source.main = main.py # (str) The folder where your application's source code is located (default is ".") source.dir = . # (list) Permissions required by your app (add or remove as needed) android.permissions = INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE # (str) Supported screen orientations: all, landscape, portrait orientation = portrait # (list) Application requirements # Specify Python libraries or Kivy packages that your app uses requirements = python3, kivy # (bool) Indicate whether to include the SQLite3 library android.include_sqlite = False # (list) External Java classes or .jar files (optional) #android.add_jars = /path/to/yourlibrary.jar # (str) Icon for the application # Provide the path to your icon image (e.g., "res/icon.png") icon.filename = res/icon.png # (str) Presplash screen image (optional) presplash.filename = res/splash.png # (str) Application versioning version = 1.0 # (str) Android API level to target (use a level supported by your libraries) android.api = 33 # (int) Minimum Android API level supported (optional) android.minapi = 21 # (list) Java classes required for any external dependencies (if applicable) # android.add_src = /path/to/java/source # (bool) Enable debugging android.debug = True